Sunday, March 13, 2005

Update on the cow

So I felt obligated to update any readers who stop by on the status of the cow. I think I saved it's little life!! About an hour or two after I called the owners, I drove back by the field. The calf was laying on the inside of the fence, still looked like he was in pain. His mom was nowhere in sight. Then I thought, Oh great, now I've helped this cow out and his mom isn't going to help him. But when I drove BACK by later that afternoon, the calf was up on his feet (still looked like he was in pain) and the mom was beside him. The next day, same thing. He hasn't moved much the past few days, but mom is by his side and he is up on his feet. This morning I drove by and none of the cows were by the fence. I assume that means that the calf was feeling better and was able to move toward the other cows. That's my hope any way.

I'm doing pretty well, I've had a hell of we workign weekend. That's the joy of working in college athletics. No weekends (and many times even days) off. I have a full day of tennis matches today. Joy. I do wonder why people who know what you've gone through ask stupid questions. The other day a girl that I work with says, "so, are you doing alright with everything?" What the hell kind of question is that? I know that she means well. But of course I'm not doing "alright" with everything. My baby is dead. I am a fertility nightmare. No, I'm not OKAY. I think it was just her wording that bothered me. Sort of insensitive or something. Weird.

Okay, tennis calls.


Roxanne said...

I think it's great what you did. What a kind person. I'm thinking about you and checking on you every day. I hope that life will soon start to give you that silver lining if it hasn't started to already.

Amanda said...

That is so great that the cow is going to be okay! Your actions of helping saved him.

I totally agree with you - people do say the stupidest things. I know they're just trying to help but I can't imagine where they come up with some of the things they say.

Hope you have a good week!