Monday, March 21, 2005


So, yesterday there was no beer drinking in the snyder household. It was quite nice, actually.

I had a great weekend. I went out of town to my mom and sister's houses. I scrapbooked with my sister on Friday night. I got six pages done for Isaac's birth. It was very therapeutic. Also, it's nice to have it all in one place and display it for my husband and I to view. I had never scrapbooked, dont' know that I will scrapbook after I finish this book. It's pretty expensive, but nice. I'm not sure that I have the time or patience. Saturday, I managed not to get out of my PJ's until after noon. It was fantastic. It had been a while since I let myself do that. We did absolutely nothing all day, just sat around and chit chatted. We did go outside to play and such.

We went to a place called Nature's Emporium, which is filled with garden and pet stuff. While we were outside waiting for my mom, my sister and I were looking at the notices for pets who need homes. We were having a discussion about Golden Retrievers and how much DH and I wanted one eventually, when a man who was also standing there turned to me and says, "Are you looking for a golden?" I wouldn't exactly say looking....but we would eventually like to get one. So, now i have the name and number of a man who has a four year old golden and is looking for a good home for it. I think we may just get a dog! I'm pretty excited. It may be just the distraction that I need. We have three cats and were sort of in the market for a dog. But if we can get one now, for free, we're in. We love animals and I grew up with dogs. Would love to have that addition to our home. It's going to be crowded after we have a baby - 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 baby, 2 parents. Our house isn't that big. But we do have a big yard, we'll have to make do.

On the baby front, it turns out we are sort of trying this month. Not really on purpose. I just hate fiddling with condoms. I'm not even sure if I'm ovulating, so it may not matter. But now that we're sort of becoming regular offenders, I'm getting excited about the possibility of another baby. Not that I'm any less worried or scared that something might happen. But I'm not going to let that ruin the excitement about it.

1 comment:

Amanda said...


I hope it all works out and you get that dog! What a great thing! We have dog - she's 1 today - a yellow lab. She's my baby! She keeps me company and I hope you get a dog that can do the same thing.