Friday, March 11, 2005

Mother nature

I love all living things. Seriously, I'm the person who swerves to miss and earthworm on the road when it's raining or a willy worm in the road in the summer time. So this morning when I was driving to work (we live out in the country) and saw a baby calf on the outside of the fence, laying by the road I had to stop. What was I going to do to help it? I have no idea. But when I stopped, the baby calf couldn't get up. It was laying there, alive, kicking it's little legs and tail. It was so sad. The mom was beside the fence looking out, helpless. I had no idea what to do. I don't know if the calf was in pain or what. I assume that somehow the mom had layed on the baby and paralized the calf? Oh, imagine. But the true motherly instincts that I witnessed this morning were undeniable. Here was this mom whose only responsibility in the world was on the other side of the fence and squirming with pain. The mom was helpless. Even if she did lay on the baby and squish him, she didn't mean to (do you know how much a cow weighs??) It brought tears to my eyes. Now if this mom's baby doesn't make it, she's going to be like me. Full of all of these motherly instincts and udders full of milk with no baby to use them on. Isn't it weird that I felt for that cow? But I was crying and felt like I needed to help. My next door neighbor is a large animal vet, so I drove back home and tried to get her. No luck. She wasn't home. So, I just called the people that I think own the cow and reported it. I don't know what they'll do for it, but I just wanted to help that baby and that mama out. Oh, I'm heartbroken.

1 comment:

chris said...

Keep us posted. That's so sad.