Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Number one is the loneliest number...

So the worst and best thing about CD 1 is that there is so much potential. I stare at the empty chart and think....wow, this could be the month. Then, I strategize about how I'm going to do things differently this month vs. last month. With each new CD 1, I always calculate what my new EDD would be. We're looking at March 3 this time around because February 1 didn't really work out this time. {Note: This is me trying to remain calm about the fact that my body has once again let me down.} So, here we go again on this continuous roller coaster ride. I actually thought about making an appointment with my OB to see if something is wrong with me. I know I'm being incredibly impatient and selfish right now (to all of those of you who go through this for months and months). It's just hard not to get down in the dumps. I wanted to be pregnant by the time my friends delivered in June...likely not going to happen. Here I am - an empty soul missing her baby. Why did Isaac have to die, I just don't get it. It's not fair. I want him back in my every day routine, I want him to be the little boy I had dreamed about. I just feel like my dreams are crushed right now. I feel defeated and deflated. I hate CD 1.


Roxanne said...

Oh Holly. I'm so sorry. Trying again IS awful. There is no way around it and there's no way I can give you some pithy little comment that's going to make it better. You saw what a nutjob it made me (would you like to borrow one of my numerous adoption books???). I know it is going to happen for you but I know that every month it doesn't is painful. Hugs hugs hugs.

Julie said...

Holly, I just wish I had some great words of wisdom that would make all of your pain just go away. (If you happen to come up with some though, could ya share 'em?) I just wish it could all be easier. Why can't it be easier, especially when you have already been through so much? Huge hugs coming your way.

Anam Cara said...

Hi Holly

We really are cycle buddies because it is CD1 for me too again. Here's to a "successful" June for us both.

Lots of love

Jillian said...

I am so sorry. It is always such a breath taking kick in the guts when it doesn't happen.

Nothing makes it better so here are some hugs for you.

MB said...

CD 1 sucks. Truly. No two ways about it. Do what I do, have a glass of wine and start again. I'm so sorry.

Amanda said...

Oh Holly, a big hug to you! CD1 sucks, sistah. You're right though - it is a NEW beginning for the month and I'm so hoping this is it.

Hang in there!

Kat said...

Holly, I'm just so sorry about CD1. You have so much strength...

Kate said...

Is there anything worse than CD1? I'm so sorry, Holly.

Jillian said...

Hey, how are you going? Just wanted to drop you a line to say hello:)