Friday, April 22, 2005

I survived!

So I forgot to mention that I had book club today. This is a nice little club of my friends who also happen to read. There are about 15 members in all, some of us come more often than others. Anyway, we have been having a hard time coordinating our schedules and finding a time that worked for everyone. I've been so busy trying to make things happen for book club and was also distracted by the fact that I'm going to see all of my friends that I forgot that two of them are very pregnant. Wow. I really should have thought of that because it was waaaay more difficult than I had imagined. Of course just seeing them in all their pregnant glory is hard enough. I mean, I have seen each of them and have actually talked to each of them about their unborn children. But there is a big difference between having a one on one conversation with a girl who is your friend and happens to be pregnant and having a whole group of people who haven't seen said pregnant women and are going goo-goo ga-ga over them. I should say that the meeting was smaller than normal (thank goodness, I'm not sure I could have taken more of this) and the people who were there are all typically considerate of my situation (including the pregnant women). But it's difficult for people to see a pg woman and not ask her details. There were all sorts of questions about due dates, boy vs. girl, symptoms, etc. (all the while, I sit uncomfortably quiet in my seat - trying not to squirm or to look at anyone else at the table). Wow. I should have prepared myself better for that.

On a related note, I'm wrestling with a delimma about one of my pregnant friends. The truth is that I'm probably one of her better friends here and she is one of mine. I'd love to throw her a baby shower, but I'm not really sure that I can do that. I just feel like someone should throw her one and if I don't - who will? She is one of the coolest and down to earth people I know, but there is no way to avoid the exciting talk of upcoming baby at a baby shower. Do you think it would be weird if I hosted it, but didn't stick around? Today was a good trial run and I did alright, but that might just be the next level. Oh the delimma!


Amanda said...

Hi Holly.

If you're not up to hosting the shower, I'm sorry but I have to say don't do it. I have thought about this for a dear friend of mine who's pregnant and I just can't do it. Sure, on a good day I could but there are just no guarentees that it'll be a good day. I think you should do what feels right, even if it means explaining to her that you just can't do it right now.

Hope you're having a good day - your dog is SO CUTE!


Anam Cara said...

Hi Holly

I agree with Amanda. Does she have any family who could have the shower instead?? I am so glad I don't live in the US right now because that whole baby shower thing would be so difficult to deal with. That tradition doesn't exist in England, and I am really happy about that.

laura said...

holly, if ever you had a pass, it's now. but if you really, really want to do it, then why not co-host it - that way it's not all on you if you do all of the preparation and then don't want to go through with it.

please pardon my stalking; i followed you from a couple of other blogs on perinatal loss. my son was stillborn in february, and i have been blogging about it, too, and i'm almost desperate to read about other people surviving the loss. best of luck to you.