Friday, April 29, 2005

Done, Done, and Done

Well, I did it. I had a meeting and told my boss that I wouldn't be returning next school year. Whew. I was so nervous, I nearly made myself sick. I just explained that we had been planning for me to not return to work when we thought we were going to be having a baby in June. Now that has changed, but our plans have not. I plan to student teach in the fall, and I can't very well be doing that if I'm also working here. He didn't realize that I had been taking classes to be a teacher and I explained that at some point (hopefully sooner, rather than later) we were going to be having a family. I can't have a family and do this job very well (this is a direct quote from him). So, I need to get a new job. At some point we are going to have a family, so the sooner I get into my next job the better. He was very understanding and even encouraging once the initial shock wore off. He is even going to try to keep me "on" as long as possible - possible late resignation - so that I can "have as much money in my pocket" as possible when I leave. This is actually a gracious offer on his part. I'm very glad that he's being agreeable about this. Like DH says, the worst he can do is fire me. That certainly didn't happen. I'm glad for that.

I also put in my application for the Director of the Montessori Center for Children today. I say that I might as well check it out to see what it entails. Maybe more money than teaching? Definately a different job description, more administrative with supervising teachers. Sort of principal like...I would say.

At any rate, my spirits have lifted some because these two things are checked off the list. Whew.


Amanda said...

Yey! Good for you - hope you enjoy that good feeling of getting something GREAT done for you and dh. Good news!! :)

Amanda said...

Oh Holly, BTW...wanna be my cycle buddy? I'm on cd5 also :) Here's hoping it's a GREAT month for you!