Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lions and tigers and bears...oh my!

I wish that I had a great, inspirational post for today. Unfortunately, I'm exhausted and no assembled thoughts are coming out of my head. I'm feeling good today, which is good because yesterday I thought I would die. I never threw up, but felt as though something was going to blow from one end or the other. Have you ever heard of pregnant women having problems with their bowels? I wouldn't exactly call it diarrhea - I went twice yesterday. But I feel like my stomach and bowels are going to implode. Is that morning sickness? I also have the whole nauseous, feel like I'm going to spit up at all times thing going too. It's hard to know what is and is not associated to pregnancy. I thought maybe I ate something bad. I have no idea. This pregnancy is definately different than the last, maybe it's a girl this time. Or maybe that is a sign that things are different (ie. better)? Just playing guessing games with myself here. I'm chugging and plugging every day, I can't believe that I will be 8 weeks tomorrow. I've known I was pregnant for five weeks now...that seems unreal. What seems even more unreal is that we have 32 more weeks to go. Ugh.

Non-pregnancy related...I saw a black bear this morning. I shit you not, there was a black bear in the middle of my road this morning. It was foggy and at first I thought it was a big dog. Nope, when I honked my horn the bear turned to look at me and was clearly a bear. It was no bigger than a great dane (fluffier, but not bigger). It then ran down for about a quarter of a mile and I proceeded to drive after it in bewilderment. Finally, (as a grand finale) it jumped up onto a five foot tall fence post as easily as my cat does. Steadied itself on top of the fence post with all fours, then lept over the other side. It trotted through the pasture toward the woods. I can't believe I saw a freaking bear - maybe there was some sort of drug in my cereal this morning! I've lived in VA for 7 years now...this is my first bear! Sort of exciting.

Shortly after the bear sighting, my car started acting funny. Long story short, I ended up being towed into town. Luckily a policeman passed by only five minutes after my car stopped working. My radiator has to be could be Monday before it's finished. Ugh. That means that DH and I are carpooling. There goes my freedom!

I've been thinking a lot about Isaac this past week. We shared his picture book with MIL when she was here last weekend. This is her first visit in two years. DH says we should get them out more often to look at them. We will have to make a point to do so...I never want his memory to fade.


Anna said...

Oh, honey...I feel ya on the sickness part. I honestly thought I could have been a Pepto Bismol commercial. Bowels seriously disturbed, nausea forever...I am so sorry you're sick. Hope every day just gets better as far as that goes.
Oh, and I can't believe you saw a BEAR!!! OMG!!!!! Crazy!!

Susie said...

Pregnancy can definitely cause all those symptoms. I know people talk about constipation but for me the first trimester was just weird digestive problems that were all over the map. I didn't actually throw up until week 14 (and then only once) but it was day after day of stomach problems for me. Hang in there! You're doing great!

Jillian said...

Yeah, any digestive upset counts, sadly:( I hope they get better very soon:)

As for the bear, when my friend moved to Blacksburg years ago she had a bear in her back yard and her email to tell me about it had the exact same title as your post! Ole Virginie sounds like an exciting place to live - although I'm sure you could do without the car problems for adventure's sake!

laura said...

on top of my now well-documented vomiting, i also have wildly spastic BMs. i think they're propelled by all that extra gas. sucks, doesn't it? i keep reminding myself, i am happy to be a fart factory if it means a healthy baby. the things we do...

April said...

How exciting about the bear! I've heard that it's an omen of good luck to see one.

Congratulations. Hope you get feeling a little less green soon.

Kate said...

Ugh, I so remember that feeling in early pregnancy! All the books talked about constipation, and I had the opposite problem!

I made the mistake of taking Pepto Bismol. When I metioned it to my OB, he *flipped* out. Evidently PB is FDA Category X, which means it is known to cause harm to the fetus. Who knew?!

I can't believe you saw a bear. I would have crapped myself!