Thursday, April 21, 2005

2 WW

Okay, this sucks. I don't have much to write about because I keep obsessing about whether I'm pregnant or not. I can't tell you how many times today I have looked at my chart. It's not like it's any different than it was at 10am when I put in my new info for today. I just keep hoping that one of these times I'm going to click on it and it's going to say "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" in red flashing neon. Not that I'm sure I'm pregnant or anything. But my temp had a nice spike the last two days, preceded by a nice dip (implantation?) the two days before. Along with the dip came spotting. So, now I am totally freaking myself out.

Honestly, before today I have been so relaxed and just going with the flow. But now due to the recent temperature shifts and dips, the past nine days have officially felt like nine years. Why does the 2WW have to drag on so? I'm tempted to test tomorrow before DH goes out of town for the weekend. But I don't want to get BFN and be dissapointed. Okay, now I've said it. When I DO get the BFN next week, I'm going to be crushed. It's official. If only I had some great plans for the weekend to make the weekend go faster. But if I did anything, I'd like to throw a margarita party for my friends. Given that I can't drink (2ww) and my other friend that I would invite is preggars, it's probably not a good idea. I am wondering how I'm going to get by for the next while without drinking in front of my friends if I am pregnant. They will be suspicious. Not that I'm a huge drinker, but if we eat can bet that I'll be drinking a margarita under normal circumstances. Maybe they will be clueless and not ask. Other than that, I'm not sure how anyone would know. I really do plan to keep it from people in the real world for as long as we can. It's our business, I'd like to make sure that things are alright with the bambino before we go blabbing. That was the worst last time.

Okay, now I've rambled. But I need to get some work done - rather I need to go and obsess a little more about the state of my fertility.

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Ooooh I hope you are! I need you to join me in this paranoid horrible roller-coaster of emotions (fun, huh). :)