Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Truth Hurts

This is my 100th post. It's amazing, I'm proud of myself. You should be proud of me too. Think of how far I've come, right here on this little blog. In honor of this milestone, I've made a list of the 61 (I tried for 100, but couldn't think of that many) most fascinating things about me. Here goes....

61. I love the sunshine - I know it's bad for you. But the lifeguard in me doesn't care.
60. When I was little, I thought I would swim in the Seoul Olympics in 1988.
59. I love anything chocolate.
58. I wish there was one thing in life that I was amazing at.
57. I have been to a Whitney Houston concert.
56. I'm addicted to fertilityfriend.
55. My step-mom once kidnapped me - my mom had no idea where I was when she went to pick me up from school.
54. I read the last page of a book before I'm finished.
53. I knit.
52. I used to be in the Mr. T fanclub.
51. I am now pro-choice.
50. I have terrible balance
49. When I was little, I called boy's privates winkys.
48. I called girls privates purpers.
47. I hate it when people wear socks with sandles.
46. I love cheesy movies - Shag, Grease, Little Mermaid, Wizard of Oz.
45. I was date raped in college.
44. I wish I was eight again.
43. I go to bed at 10pm sharp, every night (even most weekends).
42. I hate to be cold more than anything in life.
41. I cus like a sailor.
40. I used to call my baby blanket my kiki.
39. I love all living things, even earth worms and spiders.
38. I've never been to jail.
37. My step-brother used to spy on me while I was in the bath with a mirror under the door.
36. My mom is my hero.
35. I don't love oral sex.
34. I like the Indianapolis Colts for no other reason than that they are from Indy.
33. I ran a triathlon. I will run another.
32. I'm astranged from my real father.
31. I think that everything happens for a reason.
30. I'm bad at snow skiing.
29. I hardly ever use butter or salt.
28. I love salsa and Mexican food - we eat it about 2-3 times per week.
27. If I were to be stranded on a deserted island with only one CD, I would take Journey's Greatest Hits.
26. I pick my face.
25. Rum is my favorite liquor.
24. I love sushi.
23. I once cheated on a test in college.
22. I've met Charles Barkley and Rick Mahorn.
21. Strange I know, but I can lick my own nipple.
20. There is nothing like Mexico for a fun-drinks vacation.
19. I used to shoplift (nothing major) - I was in junior high.
18. I'm afraid of death.
17. I'm very right hand dominant.
16. I can't tell east from west.
15. I love the Pat McGee Band.
14. I smoked a lot of pot in college...never anything else.
13. I once raised fruit flies for an experiment.
12. I love to take hot baths - while reading and drinking wine.
11. I lost my virginity at 18.
10. I had two serious boyfriends before my husband. They both cheated on me.
9. I have never cheated on my love.
8. I've made out with my best friend (she's a girl).
7. My dad was an alcoholic.
6. Men's lacrosse is my favorite spectator sport, Women's Volleyball is a close second.
5. I had severe mono in high school and almost didn't graduate.
4. I dissected a pigeon in my bathroom while I had mono, so that I could pass.
3. I have gained and lost and gained the same 20 pounds in the last year and a half.
2. I think my husband has a hot body.
1. My favorite song of all time is Jack and Diane by Johnny Cougar.


Anam Cara said...

Nice to "get" to know you! Some interesting stuff. I may have to try this!

Muddystingbee said...

There's someone else out there who has Journey's Greatest Hits?? And here I thought I was the only one!

Thanks for sharing all this!

Anonymous said...

These are fun. Now you've got me thinking! (I will try not to injure myself in the process)

Kate said...

A fellow face picker! Hurrah! :)

Jillian said...

Been there done that re: nipples LOL!! Actually, I discovered the phenomenon whilst nursing E and wondered why she loved feeding so much - so I tried it!

This is a great list - it has me wondering if there are even that many interesting things to write about myself though:-S

laura said...

fascinating - way too much to process at once! but the question has to be asked: purpers??????

Sara said...

Wow, there were a lot of those I was nodding my head to. :-) How ya feeling?

Quiet said...

I too have attempted one of those, maybe I will follow your lead and stop when I run out of things...