Friday, August 05, 2005

I have a secret...

Have you ever heard of "a little pregnant"? That's what the tech said...HCG of 4 at 8 DPO (although I think FF is wrong, I had a temp jump after I drank one night and FF called it O. I think I'm actually 6 DPO). I'm freaking out. I think I'll wait to celebrate until after I'm late. Just wanted to share. I'm doing a happy dance inside, though!


laura said...

aaaaaggggghhhhhh!!!!!! i am crossing my fingers (and my toes, and everything else crossable) that you will soon be a lot pg!

Jillian said...

AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Breathe, breathe, breathe....ok. What Laura said, it's all crossed. I am dizzy from almost hyperventilating on your behalf...God I hope this works out the way it should.

Susie said...

Boy are my fingers crossed tight for you! Hang in there! This is a great sign!

Roxanne said...

I will third the arrrrrghghghghghghs!!!! Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!! I have been obsessively checking your chart waiting to see!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I will keep everything crossed for you! Holy crap! :)

Julie said...

OMG OMG OMG!!!! Doing the happy dance in my seat here!! Keeping my fingers (and everything else) crossed for you!!!

Anna said...

EEK!! OMG, I am SO hoping this is IT for you!!!! Oh, I can't wait to hear! I've been so busy I've barely been blogging myself, much less checking in on everyone...I love seeing this, though! Woohoo!

Sara said...

Woooow! This is happening in a lot of little corners of the TTC universe right now. I am SOO happy for you!

Amanda said...

HOLLY!!!! I'm SO excited for you!! I'm keeping everything crossed for us both and I think this is the beginning of something wonderful for each of us. Hugs to you, my friend!