Monday, August 01, 2005

Glory Days

I'm not sure what it is, but I'm pretty optimistic right now. I feel like this might be our month. Don't ask me why, we didn't do anything different. But I feel good right now, I'm going to gloat in it for a bit.

Tino (the cat) is out of the hospital. I should have been a vet, I would be making a whole lot more money. We pay a ton for the healthcare of our animals. But he's all better, severe bladder infection. Poor little guy was peeing blood this weekend. I feel bad for him.

Unemployment is pretty boring. I'm trying to hurry up to get all of my school work done before Friday when it's due. Of course, blogging isn't helping that. But it is warming up my mind to lots of typing...

Okay, I need to get busy.


Anonymous said...

Yep...pets are frigging expensive. I have a 7-year-old pug, and she's had 3 surgeries already. Each knee cost around $2000. It's crazy. At least we're covered by insurance. Copays are nothing compared to vet bills...

Jillian said...

I was whining about spending $15 a week on food and kitty litter today...I guess I should shut up about that huh?

Glad you are feeling optimistic. I haven't looked at your chart yet but will have a peek in a minute. Fingers crossed that this is it:)

Roxanne said...

Eeeeek....I hope so!!!!!

I'm glad Tino is better. With a fecal incontinent cat, I know all about expensive vet bills.

Amanda said...

Glad to hear the cat is okay! I'm also glad you're feeling good and positive - it WILL happen, I believe that! Hang in there!