Monday, August 29, 2005

Fat Nasty

This is least that's how I feel. Of course, I'm not THAT much fatter than I was three weeks ago before we found out our news. But I feel so bloated all day, every day. I feel like I've gained a ton of weight because my belly looks and feels so round. Of course I'm not stupid enough to think this is actually the baby - have you seen those people on FF? I can't believe people are already posting belly pics....they're six weeks for God's sake. But the bloat is going to get me in the end. I just wish that I could let a big old toot and feel so much better. I feel so unattractive and well, nasty. I hate it. Not that I'm complaining because I'll take all the symptoms with a healthy pregnancy. Sometimes it's just hard to keep on truckin' and not feel like doo.

I'm getting ancy to tell people our news. I know we'll wait a long time more before telling. But I'm excited and I think it will all feel more "real" if we told people.

My first doc appointment is tomorrow. I'm not sure that they'll do an US. I'm going to beg for one, of course. But I know that I am also having one at 12 weeks, so they may skip the 6 week US??? Ugh...this high risk thing is all new to me.

Okay, I'm exhausted. I need to go for now.


Amanda said...

Oh HOLLY!! I know what you mean - I feel like my belly is big already and it feels like an air bubble inside. The bloating is yucky. But hang in there!! I can't wait to hear about your drs and if you get an doesn't hurt to ask.


laura said...

looks like it's time to encrypt the old comments...

just a suggestion: don't tell your doctor when you conceived. don't let on that you have any idea. if they know you chart, don't offer anything, and if they ask, tell them your chart was weird and you can't make any sense of it, and don't take it with you to the appointment. you might be more likely to get an early ultrasound to date the pregnancy that way.

Julie said...

I can't wait to hear all about your perfect appointment. I hope they at least give you a quick peak at the little bean. It drives me nuts to see all the 6 week belly pics too. I mean come on people, you are taking pics of GAS. lol but then again, I don't have much patience for people anyway.

Jillian said...

I hope your appointment is absolutely boring with a lovely u/s as the high point:)

That gas should disappear soonish too - with a little luck anyway!

Susie said...

Hey Holly, I hope your appointment goes great and they do an ultrasound! Glad to hear you are having symptoms, even if they make you feel gross!

SWH said...

Depending on the peri's philosophy you may be more likely to get an u/s at the first appt. My perinatalogist said that it will be really important for me to get one between 6-9 weeks so that the pregnancy is dated accurately. He also said he didn't care if i charted, he'd want the ultrasound. But i'm also expected to deliver at 36 weeks so maybe he doesn't feel the dating ultrasound is as important for all people...I hope you get to see the little one at your appt. Looking forward to reading about it.

snarflemarfle said...

I'm right there with you on the feeling fat part! I know it's not the baby quite yet...but it's other junk that's being pushed out of the way. Good luck at your doc's appointment! Can't wait to get a report!

Roxanne said...

I hope they give you one! Sorry about feeling yucky...but that's a good thing!

Kate said...

Ugh... the spammers found you.

The bloating is the worst. But keep in mind, you *will* show sooner this time around, since you're already had a pregnancy that progressed into the second trimester. I think it's called the "warming" effect?

But then again, it could just be a giant fart. :)

I second lauralu's suggestion. Tell them you're not sure when you conceived. That will get you an u/s for sure!

laura said...

well? i'm waiting!

Anonymous said...

good luck at your appointment!!