Friday, October 28, 2005

The whirlwind that is my life right now...

While I have to say that I think I'm finally over the pregnancy poo...I now have a sinus infection and a deep chest cold. Wonderful. Needless to say, running to the computer has been the least of my worries this week. sorry to leave you hanging. This new illness is in addition to having the stomach flew on Sunday/Monday of this week. What the hell...I had a flu shot. Where is this coming from? I can only hope that the baby is alright in there, just along for the ride and hopefully not noticing that it's mother wishes she could go to bed for the next two weeks and never get out. Because I've been sick, I had to go to the pharmacy to get meds. Of course, I was worried about taking anything that would harm the baby. I made mention of last time I was pregnant I took this...eventually this led to chit chat with the pharmacist of "how old is your other child?" For the first time in a while, I had to break the news to someone "he died". It was weird. it's like you're making forward progress and then something makes you stop in your tracks. Now I can't stop thinking about Isaac....and how guilty I feel that we're having another baby. I had a dream last night that this baby was a boy and I was so dissapointed. I'm not sure, I just feel like Isaac is my little boy. It seems weird to think there might be another one.

Anyway, I'm still under the weather so I'm going to go. Just wanted to share my ramblings.


laura said...

feel better.

Roxanne said...

I'm sorry you're sick! It sucks! And the flu really really sucks.

And it really really really sucks when your medication choices are so limited.

I am glad that everything is going well on the baby front.

I think there might be some sadness either way if this babe is a boy or a girl. I think it's to be expected. But there's going to be lots of joy in it too--no matter what the ultrasound says about it.

snarflemarfle said...

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Julie said...

So glad you checked in but sorry you are feeling so crappy. I hope you feel better soon. I agree with Roxanne though, there is sadness and happiness either way. Welcome to a subsequent pregnancy. ((((((hugs))))))

Jillian said...

I hope you feel better soon and stay that way for a good while ((hugs))