Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tiny Dancer

Not to worry....all is well with the little one. I just haven't had a chance to sit down at the computer - you guys are awesome for your support. I say one because we didn't find out the sex. Tech said she wouldn't even attempt to guess this early. I measured 13W3D on Tuesday and I was actually 12 W 4D. The doc says that big is good. The measurements they were taking (neuchal translucency fold) all seemed to be in normal limits. We will find out the final results in a few weeks. But that little bug was just a dancing in there. It was so cute. It wouldn't turn around, so we spent almost the entire ultrasound looking at a silhouette of it's backside. We did get one profile shot and things seemed to look good. She said it was too early to look at the brain or other organs. Heart rate was 156. I'll take it, I'm just so happy that it seemed to go well. My next US is not until 20 weeks - December 1. Ugh. That seems like forever, but I"m just going to ride this high out a little longer. Thanks for all of your concerns!


Muddystingbee said...

I'm so glad it went well! Continuing to think good thoughts for you and the tiny dancer...

snarflemarfle said... awesome! I'm glad that everything's going well!

Catherine said...

Excellent! (Next time, don't leave me hanging like that)

Roxanne said...

Yeah! I was checking like crazy to make sure everything was okay. Glad to hear it is!

Kate said...

Yay! I'm so glad your ultrasound went well! There's nothing like seeing your baby for the first time... even if it is just his/her backside. :)

December 1st will be here before you know it!

MB said...

Cool Beans!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Glad all is okay.

Jillian said...

Congratulations on a great scan!! Next time you'll get to know the sex for sure:)

Julie said...

So glad to hear all is well so far with the tiny dancer!!

Julie said...

Great news, so glad you updated so we can breathe. Sounds like you have a 'cheeky' little bean in there, and a wiggly one to boot! Way to go, mamma.

Treggles said...

Exciting times, Holly. So pleased all is well.

Susie said...

So glad to hear things are going well, Holly. Congratulations on reaching the end of the first trimester.

Keep us posted!