Sunday, October 09, 2005

T minus 39 hours and counting

My next ultrasound is on Tuesday morning...I am a nervous wreck. I just want everything to be alright. I mean, I still feel pretty pregnant. You know, big boobs, nauseous, belly getting bigger. But there really is no way to know for could all be in my head. Not to mention, that I could still be pregnant and something could be really wrong with our baby. Okay, let's be honest. This could be a textbook pregnancy, I make it to D-day and something can still go wrong. The reality of that is just really heavy to face. I'm trying to focus on the good things and hope for the best. Do you think that assuming everything is alright, that they'll be able to tell the sex at 12 w 5 d? I'm seriously doubting it, but I'm hopeful. I've finally talked Bryan into finding out. Now I just want to be assured that everything is alright and what the sex of this child is.

Let's see what else...I've still been feeling pretty pukey. It never fails, I manage to fill myself up with complete crap all day long and then pay for it around bedtime. Take today, for example. I walk into this office to get onto the computer and the candy gods have placed a tub of all of my halloween favorites out. No one is around...I can't help but raid the candy. I have eaten two tootsie rolls (one cherry flavored) and two mini boxes of DOTS. I'll feel like crap tonight at about 9pm. Without fail, this happens to me every day in some fashion or another. if only I could make good choices about what I eat...every every meal. That's really a lot to ask. I'm trying to do the best that I can.

My boobs are still huge and tender. My belly is starting to make my bikini underwear roll down. that drives me crazy. Nothing makes me feel more like a whale than when my freaking underwear won't stay up because my fat roll is pushing them down. Ugh.

I swam for an hour today. It felt great. I'm going to try to do this again a few more times this week.

That's all for now. I need a new look for this blog. I"m not sure how that works, though. Do I have to cut and paste my entire blogroll? Ugh.


Roxanne said...

Good luck! I am so rooting for you.

To be totally honest, I really doubt you are going to find out the sex at 13 weeks. I think it's possible but very unlikely. But I don't think you will care if everything looks good.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the eating junk all day and then paying for it. I am sitting here with a fire burning in my chest as I type. It's all because I couldn't resist the ice cream that I bought earlier today...damn. Hopeing all goes well at the u/s!!

Susie said...

Hope everything goes great on Tuesday, Holly!

13 weeks is probably too early to tell the sex with any accuracy... my doctor was even hesitant to confirm our baby's sex at 16w5d because she said boys and girls could still look very similar at that point. But I'm sure you will find out soon!

As for changing your blog layout, you can go in Blogger and choose a different default design. But yes, you will need to re-add your blogroll tags. Just copy and paste your current design into a separate window before you make the change. Then you can pull the stuff you need right out and put it in the new layout. It doesn't take long.

Julie said...

Wishing you good news and clear pictures tommorow!

Julie said...

(psst... update when you can, we're anxious out here)

MB said...

I'm dying over here....What happened at the scan??

laura said...


Catherine said...

I'm hoping this delay means that you can't get to the computer because you're celebrating good news. But I would REALLY appreciate it if you'd update as soon as you can.

Roxanne said...

Ack...still waiting. I hope it's good news.

Julie said...

Update us as soon as possible. You have us all on the edge of our chairs!!!

Amanda said...

Just checking in on you....hope all is well.

Treggles said...

Hi Holly,

Came accross your blog after finding Nervous Kitty's at random. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I seriously hope it all works out after all you've been through.

My wife and I are "TTC" (I had to search the net to find out what all your abbreviations meant!) after a difficult miscarriage back in June - our first pregnancy after trying for years.

All the best for the future. I hope to keep reading to check on your progress.

laura said...

ack! i'm going nuts! not that your first concern should be my anxiety, but i'd appreciate it if you posted some news!!!!