Saturday, May 14, 2005


This is my mantra for this month. I'm not sure why, but it has been playing over and over in my head. So much, that I actually did a search for Pee Wee's Playhouse. It's a real bummer that all the scandal surrounded Pee Wee. I loved his shows. I think the Playhouse is hilarious and quite entertaining. I'm just hoping that the Genie answers my wish. He did say that my wish was granted. Genie - here it is, just in case you didn't hear me "please let me get pregnant this month". I finally did O on cycle day 17. This is late for me, but I'm just glad it happened. I only hope that our timing was right. DH actually did a "chi" dance over my uterus this morning. I think he really wants this too.

FIL is down this weekend. He hasn't visited since Isaac's birth. It's great to see him, but difficult to answer all of his questions about how I feel, what the autopsy report said, how I felt after deilvery, etc. His work sent us a very nice bible encased in a wooden box. Sort of a one-size-fits-al approach to sympathy. But the thought is nice. At least it's good for DH. His dad is his best male friend and I think they talk about stuff that he doesn't share with others. They are golfing all weekend, so nice that he is keeping DH busy too.

I had a great lunch with two of my pg friends yesterday. They are huge, I can't help but be envious. I have decided to plan the shower of my one friend that I was struggling with. Someone else is hosting it, I'm just helping with the planning. I actually feel good about it. That's a sign of recovery, right? The haze has lifted some, I'm feeling less down. I've been taking the Fish Oil. Haven't tried counseling yet. Mostly doing a lot of thinking about stuff in my head. This helps me.

Blogland was so boring yesterday, I was happy to see this morning that lots of people posted last night. I had fun reading this morning. Thanks ladies. Have a great weekend!


Amanda said...


It definatley a good sign that you're helping plan the shower. I, too, have a very close friend here who's pregnant and it really does help me to be around/deal with her issues. Sometimes it's hard but she's well aware of what can happen and I'm glad to have her helping me too.

Have a good weekend, welcome to the 2ww. Be there soon!

I'm sending some good "chi" thoughts your way too, my friend!

( is the website, just tell Kim I sent ya!)

Roxanne said...

Hi Holly,
Your recent posts have been funny. I love Pee Wee. It's not like he did anything so bad...yeah yeah...jerked off in a porn theater...that's why they exist! The muscle mags are a little strange, but he's a strange dude.

Anyway, I want you to get pregnant this month too! Come on Genie! You know, Genie was really Phil Hartman. Poor Phil Hartman.