Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Still preggars

I haven't posted in a while...this damn no computer thing is going to kill me, I swear. I have to sneak into my husband's office and can't always get over here. Ugh.

Anyway, I'm still chugging along here. I woke up 5 (yes 5) times last night to pee while attempting to sleep. Needless to say, I'm exhausted today. About to go home and take a nap. Still feeling nauseous in addition to the cold that I'm nursing right now - I spent the entire weekend in bed while FIL visited. Totally cold related, not pregnancy no need to spill the beans to him. Thank goodness. I think I need to stop eating salads at lunch. They're not sitting too well with me this week. I need something hearty like a turkey sub every day. Maybe DH would deliver one every day to school...or not. My tatas are enormous - I started out a 38D, so you can use your imagination. I swear they both weigh 20 pounds apiece!

Alrighty, I need to get going. I need to go lay down. I feel so lame that my posts have been so short lately. Honestly, it's all that I can muster right now. Hoping to be feeling better soon and able to devote a little more energy and time at the computer!


Anonymous said...

Hope you get some much needed sleep tonight!

Jillian said...

Sweet dreams! I hope your boobs don't crush your lungs while you sleep LOL;)

Roxanne said...

More blogging! I demand more blogging!


Glad to hear that things are going well!

snarflemarfle said...

Glad for an update! I'm not getting up that much during the night now, but I wake up every time I roll over on my boobs. OUCH!!!

Kate said...

I hope you get feeling better soon! Being sick when you're pregnant is the worst- you're so limited on what (if anything) you can take to make you feel better!