Friday, September 02, 2005

My checklist...

Size of baby on target....check

How do you describe the feeling of relief that comes over you when you hear this news. Heartrate was 138 BPM, I even got to hear it. Technology is amazing. My baby is the size of an appleseed, yet I can hear the little nugget's heart beating. The baby measured 6W6D exactly, which is exactly where I was yesterday. Everything looks good...for now. I'm so relieved. Although DH and I had a sobering conversation last night about the difference between our outlooks on this new bambino. He is having a hard time being excited. I don't blame him, but I don't want to cheat this baby either. I think it deserves the same love, happiness, and anticipation that Isaac got. It's hard for Bryan to hear about how this baby is changing and what is new with this baby. I am trying to do just he opposite. This is so hard....I thought this would be the good part.

Okay, I'm off now to stuff my face and worry about the next thing that might go wrong with our baby.


Jillian said...

Congratulations on hearing the heartbeat and on finding out that all is on target so far:) That's fantastic news:)

I know I tried to give our last pregnancy the same joy and aticipation as the one before and K was always a step back in comparison. I guess this is just the subsequent pregnancy reality:(

Susie said...

Congratulations on a great checkup! So glad you got to hear the heartbeat!

I can understand that you and Bryan are dealing with things differently. Hopefully as things progress (and once you get past the point where you were when you lost Isaac) it will be more real to him. I know you are both there for each other though and that is the important thing.

I'm so glad for you!

Kate said...

Awwww.... congratulations! I'm so glad everything went well! I had a hard time letting myself get excited over Brody- and then one day I woke up and the pregnancy was half over, and I hadn't enjoyed one second of it. I say enjoy it as much as you can. Take it day by day.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!!! That's such a relief, isn't it??

Catherine said...

Yay for the nugget!

Muddystingbee said...

Congratulations on the good news!

laura said...

holly, we are on EXACTLY THE SAME SCHEDULE! i was 6w6d on friday, too! freaky!

so glad things went so well! that heartbeat is just a miracle, isn't it?

justin and i are never at the same point at the same time, but we're learning to live with it.