Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Going nuts

I am going crazy. Do you ever wish that you could fast forward time? That is where I'm at right now. I am dying to know if this is it...are we pg? I lightly spotted yesterday and the night before...which could mean that there was implantation. It could also mean that AF is on her way. FF says possible implantation, but what do they know? There was a dip on 6DPO, but I've had temp dips before. My temp was lower this morning, which could mean that it's on it's way down. But I had so much anxiety about temping this morning and what it might say, that I didn't sleep well last night at all. I kept waking up all night long and looking at the clock. I sort of felt like I was laying there with my eyes closed all night, rather than sleeping. It doesn't help that DH is out of town right now, I never sleep as well when he's not there. Funny, you would think it would be the other way around. Ugh.

Funny thing...there is a group of inner city kids on campus right now for an enrichment program. Yesterday, they were at the pool and I was lifeguarding (doing this to make a little extra $$ on the side). One little girl was swimming in front of me and she saw my wedding ring. the conversation went like this:
Little girl: "Are you getting married?"
Me: "I'm already married."
Little girl: "How old are you?"
Me: "I'm 29."
Little girl: "Wow, you're young."
Me (surprised she called me young): "Yes, I am young."
Little girl: "Just don't get pregnant."
Then she swam away. I was floored. Why would she say that? Was it a message from God? Had someone else told her that or told someone in her family that? You see, little girl, that is exactly the goal. As a matter of fact, I hope I am pregnant right now. It was just sort of surreal.


Amanda said...

Holly! Your chart looks great and the spotting could be very good. Hmmm. I wish time could fast forward too because I'm waiting on pins and needles to hear too!!!

And what's with the little girl?!? That is too weird.

Hang in there.

Susie said...

My fingers are crossed so tight for you! I hope this is it!

Catherine said...

I wish I could fast forward time...but I want that time under my belt that everyone tells me will make me feel better. I'm feeling better than the first week...but I greedily want to feel that three months from now better that I know is out there.

Good luck! I'm hoping you get your BFP this month!

Roxanne said...

I hope this is it for you!!!!!!

Julie said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! I really hope this is your month!!

Jillian said...

Waiting here with bated breath. Please be IT this month!!

That was wird about the little girl too but it sounds like something she heard her mother say to the last remaining single and childless woman she knows over a coffee, counting her regrets. Kids like to feel worldly don't they?