Friday, July 29, 2005

Six Months

It's amazing it has been this long since we lost Isaac. We lost him in January. I never thought I would make it to this point. I have to say that I have come a long way, many thanks to you all for getting me this far. I still have so far to go.

This week, I can't help but think of the way that my life would have been if Isaac were actually here. He would have been nearly seven weeks old or so. Our lives would be so different and we would be getting to know our new little boy each day. I can't help but think of all of the should have or would have beens. Not just now or tomorrow, but we will miss him laughing for the first time, riding his bike for the first time, making his first basket, meeting his future wife for the first time, and as Laura has brought to my attention we are also going to miss his children. That makes me sad.

I don't know what else to say, except that I miss him.


laura said...

i feel ya.

Anonymous said...

(((hugs))) I am so sorry. Those milestone dates are really hard. And you just never ever forget...

Susie said...

I know every day is hard. I am so sorry. He is a much loved little boy.

Catherine said...

As you thank those ladies for helping you, let me thank you for helping me. At almost three months away from Alex's death, I take some comfort in the fact that I will, like you, make it to six months.

Kate said...

I'm so sorry. You are so brave.