Sunday, December 04, 2005

Boy Wonder

No time to really post right now...I've become a sucky blogger. Between not having a computer at my fingertips all day long and being tired/sick/etc. with pregnancy, blogging has gone by the wayside. Not that I don't enjoy it or that I don't think about the other bloggers out there and how they're doing - I just don't have the same time to do it that I used to.

We DID have the Level II US on Thursday - all is clear. Healthy baby boy inside, all measurements were good. He has long legs (like his daddy) and seems to be pretty content in there. Such a good feeling to know that all is well in there. I'm feeling him move so much more now too, amazing what difference a few days can make.

So all is well from this lousy blogger. Hope you're all doing well. More soon, promise.


laura said...

what great news! i'm so glad your son is progressing so well.

Susie said...

Glad to hear all is well, Holly. I'm thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Congrats on your boy and glad all is going well.

Anna said...

Yay!! A boy!! How exciting. :) Glad to hear all is well and you're feeling movement! :) Hope to hear more soon!

Anna said...

Yay!! A boy!! How exciting. :) Glad to hear all is well and you're feeling movement! :) Hope to hear more soon!

Anna said...

Sorry about that. I'm such a dork and I double-clicked. Oops.

Kate said...


Congrats on a healthy, long-legged, baby.

Julie said...

So glad to hear all is well!! Congrats on the boy!! Now try not to leave us hanging for so long. You know we worry!!

Jillian said...

Congrats on the scan being all clear on your baby boy. Long runner maybe??

Treggles said...

Hey - don't worry about being a lousy blogger. You have far more exciting things going on. It's good to read that things are going well. Wish we were pregnant.

(Sorry, I don't suppose it's good etiquette to moan on other people's blogs. I'll save that for my own.)